Why now is opportune time to buy house; ‘Work from Home’ influences home buying preference
Rahul Grover
The pandemic inducing virus COVID-19 came into the lives of individuals out of nowhere and spread like a sheer wildfire, altering almost everything that came in its way. People across the globe found themselves confined within the four walls of their homes and the brick and mortar operations of offices, stores, and businesses came to a halt. These changes paved the way for a new professional culture called work from home, wherein employees had to carry out all their functions remotely from the safety of their homes. However, keeping in the mind the myriad benefits and the ease of work that this concept offers it will be safe to say that this is bound to become an integral part of one’s daily life. As per a study conducted by the research firm Gartner, over 75% of business employers plan to increase the number of permanent remote employees.
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